Progresif Radio



‘All we hear is, Radio ga ga
Radio goo goo
Radio ga ga
All we hear is Radio ga ga
Radio blah blah
Radio, what’s new?
Radio, someone still loves you!’

To quote the late and great Freddie Mercury from Queen, we were given the opportunity to do a new thing for radio, in particular, Brunei’s first ever radio app by Progresif.

Despite being a younger bird in the flock of telecom companies in Brunei, Progresif slowly rose to fly amongst the giants with their innovative and inclusive approaches to products that served the community. They were all about the people. And now, they wanted to create a platform for the people. A platform where local voices could be heard. And we were all for that!

After a good old think tank session, we decided to create a two part video series that introduced the Progresif Radio App and its DJs.

First came the animated video to introduce the app and all its features, which were live streams of radio segments, open mic requests to get your song played, an on demand feature where you can choose your content, a voting system to pick your favourite songs and podcasts by local guests.

If by any chance you haven’t seen the video yet, check it out here!

Packed with punch and heart thumping music, this first video was meant to create excitement amongst the community and entice them to download the app and listen. But more than that, we wanted to give radio a whole new look that people could recognize.

Cue light!1 It’s time to standby.

Now for the second wave in the series, we dove right into studying the DJs that would run the show. Our idea was simple. Craft teaser videos that highlighted the different personalities and quirks of the DJs in order for audiences to relate to them.

1Signal to the presenter that she/he can start broadcasting or to stand by, e.g. red light usually means standby, green light means go.

Real people, with real stories.


Now, usually it is common for companies to approach celebrities to endorse their products or services. And we thought, hey, that’s a good idea, but let’s take it a step further (a common and sometimes dreaded phrase to hear). That step was to turn the DJs into local celebrities themselves, and it helped that some of them already had a presence in the local scene. We wanted to make them into people whom the younger generation could look up to. People who other people could relate to. Without all the glitz and glam. Well, maybe a bit of glam, we did have a ridiculous amount of lights on set.

Our strategy was simple. Introduce people to more than just a voice, but a person they could relate to.

Cue light! We’re on air in 3, 2, 1.